Zagreb Archdiocese Opens Office For Sacral Needs of Migrants and Tourists

In hopes of accommodating to pastoral needs of a rising number of international tourists and migrants, Zagreb Archdiocese has founded an Office for Tourism and Migrations at the Archdiocese Spiritual Chair, the Catholic Church’s administrative and advisory branch. The Office’s work will be focused on tourists and migrants who visit the Cathedral and other sacral buildings in Zagreb.

‘Thousands of foreigners work and study in Zagreb, all of them for longer periods of time, and we see a large influx of refugees from Middle East that pass trough our country, many of them asylum seekers. It is the Office’s intent to coordinate its activities with other Church organizations that work with migrants and provide support for them. We see the importance of opening the doors to sacral object to foreigners, and bring them closer to our heritage, both religious and spiritual’, stated the Archdiocese representatives while opening the Office on Tuesday, March 1.

One of the main future activities of the Office for Migrants and Tourists will be planing and organizing special tourists routs trough Archdiocese estates.